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Depression in College Students: New Statistics and Research

Reading Time: 5 minutes

College is typically one of the most exciting times in a young person’s life—and also one of the most stressful. Positive experiences of connection, learning, and independence are counterbalanced by academic and social pressures, coupled with the challenges of being away from home for the first time.

That’s always been true. But over the past decade, rates of depression in college students, along with other mental health issues, have nearly doubled, according to a new national study. Data from more than 350,000 students at 370 campuses across the country found that mental health has worsened among all racial and ethnic groups.

How Many College Students Have Depression?

College depression statistics from a 2022 Healthy Minds study show that students’ mental health has steadily declined since 2013. Researchers found that more than 60 percent of students during the 2020–2021 school year met the criteria for one or more mental health problems, such as major depression and anxiety disorder. This represented nearly a 50 percent increase from the data sets drawn from 2013.

In addition, the study looked at mental health among specific groups of students. Mental health worsened among all ethnic and racial groups over the eight years. American Indian/Alaskan Native students experienced the largest increases in depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. And students of color were the least likely to access treatment. These trends have led to what the New York Times calls a “troubling spate of suicides” over the past couple of years.

Which Students Are Most Vulnerable to College Depression?

The following groups experience higher rates of both anxiety and depression on college campuses:

  • Low-income students
  • Students of color
  • Female students
  • LGBTQ students
  • Students who are caregivers for children or other adults.

Know the Facts

63% of college students say their emotional health is worse than it was in 2019, and 56% are significantly concerned with their ability to care for their mental health.

Depression and College: A Closer Look at the Statistics

Another national survey, this one conducted by the Healthy Minds Network and the American College Health Association, looked at depression in college students through the lens of their attitudes and concerns related to COVID-19. Nearly 19,000 students on 14 campuses participated in the survey, titled “The Impact of COVID-10 on College Student Well-Being.”

In this survey, the number of students reporting academic difficulties related to mental health went up. More students also reported stress related to financial problems. Another notable finding of the survey was an increase in difficulty accessing mental healthcare after the arrival of the pandemic. Of the 42 percent of students who sought care, 60 percent said it was somewhat or much more difficult to access.

This is a grave concern, given that a quarter of young adults say that they have seriously considered suicide since 2020.

Our research shows increasing rates of depression in student populations. We also see troubling changes to risk factors affecting both well-being and college retention, as well as those that reinforce inequalities, particularly for students of color who face systemic barriers to college persistence and lower access to and quality of mental health services.

Sarah Ketchen Lipson, Boston University School of Public Health, co-lead for the Healthy Minds survey

Dropping Out of College Due to Depression

Withdrawing from college due to depression is also becoming a frequent occurrence among young adults. According to the National Association for Mental Illness, 64 percent of college students who dropped out did so because of mental health disorders. Moreover, half of those who ended up leaving college with depression hadn’t accessed any mental health services while on campus.   

Since the beginning of the pandemic, college enrollment has continued to go down, and researchers believe mental health issues may account in large part for the decline. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reports that undergraduate enrollment continued to go down in fall 2022. However, the decline has slowed to nearly pre-pandemic rates. The center’s data showed a total two-year decline of 4.2 percent in enrollment since 2020.

Know the Facts

One-third of students with depression drop out of college, according to an Imagine America Foundation study.

Why Depression in College Students Is Rising

Even before COVID, depression in college students had become increasingly prevalent, with counseling services unable to keep up with college depression rates. Coming of age in a world struggling with vast political and economic divisions, climate change, and systemic racism has left many young adults feeling hopeless about their own future and the future of the planet. Furthermore, Gen Z has been branded “the loneliest generation,” due in large part to the growing lack of face-to-face connection in favor of less meaningful online interactions.

College students report that their most common stressors include:

  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Problems sleeping
  • Disrupted eating patterns
  • Concerns about academic performance

Unfortunately, this study on depression and college students found that a vast majority (93 percent) of students who experienced anxiety or depression on college campuses have not used mental health services. Most often, this was because they didn’t think their distress was severe enough to warrant professional support. Moreover, some were uncomfortable interacting with people they didn’t know or talking about mental health problems by phone.

How to Cope with Depression in College

Given the pressure of college, it’s hard for students to find effective ways to cope with college depression and stress. A Jed Foundation study on college kids and depression found that 60 percent of students have difficulty coping with stress in a healthy way. Instead, they often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Substance abuse continues to be the most common negative coping mechanism for college students.

However, many students are doing self-care practices that support their well-being, even as depression on college campuses rises. When asked how to cope with depression in college, below are some of the best and most effective approaches that students reported using, whether they were at home or on campus. All of these methods are scientifically validated, meaning that research has demonstrated their ability to enhance mood and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone).

  1. Mindfulness, including meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises
  2. Establishing daily routines and organizational systems in order to stay focused and on track
  3. Limiting exposure to news and media
  4. Positive reframing—looking at situations in a more hopeful light
  5. Taking breaks from coursework to do relaxing hobbies, such as reading or drawing
  6. Engaging in positive social media interactions
  7. Playing with pets
  8. Journaling about their emotions and experiences
  9. Physical exercise; sedentary habits in college students is directly linked with higher depression rates
  10. Getting outdoors and connecting with nature
  11. Sleeping more—seven to nine hours per night is ideal
  12. Focusing on good nutrition
  13. Free counseling, on campus or through telehealth
  14. Listening to music—the Jed Foundation survey found nearly three-quarters of college students used this tool to support their emotional health
  15. Connecting with family and friends, either in person or virtually

Furthermore, it’s important for young adults to recognize that “it’s okay to not be okay.” When young people practice self-compassion and self-acceptance rather than ignoring or judging their difficult emotions, they are building resilience that will support them now and into the future.

Treatment for Depression in College Students

In summary, if a student is failing college because of depression, or is struggling in their daily functioning at school, they need more support than campus counseling services are typically able to provide. In these cases, outpatient or residential programs may be necessary to address the effects of depression on college students.

Newport Institute specializes in guiding young adults to sustainable healing through tailored treatment plans. Our approach to treatment for depression in college students encompasses clinical, experiential, academic, and life skills modalities. We support young people to find self-worth, healthy coping skills, and a sense of purpose and meaning.

If you or someone you love is experiencing depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or other mental health symptoms, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our integrated approach.


J Affective Disord. 2022 Jun; 306(1): 138–147.

Sci Rep. 2021 Dec; 11: 23349.

J Med Internet Res. 2020 Sep; 22(9): e21279.

Student Experience in the Research University Consortium Survey

The Impact of COVID-10 on College Student Well-Being


Mental Health / November 12, 2022