Young Adult Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Posts Tagged ‘Adulting’

Empowering Young Adults
NI Website Resources QuarterlifeCrisis 768x491 Feature

What Is a Quarter-Life Crisis?

Reading Time: 7 minutes We’re all familiar with the term “midlife crisis.” It’s a period of turmoil and soul-searching that many middle-aged people experience. That time is a long way off for young adults. But they may go through their own critical period, known as a quarter-life crisis. What is a quarter-life crisis? It’s when young people, as they […]
Empowering Young Adults
Featured 768x491 SelfAcceptanceToolkit

Download Your Self-Acceptance Toolkit

Reading Time: < 1 minutes Make this the year to just be you.  This year, we invite you to make a different kind of resolution: to minimize stress and striving, and maximize joy and meaning.  Instead of making resolutions … resolve to accept yourself as you are.  Instead of setting big, aspirational goals … focus on small steps that you […]
Mental Health
NI Reference ResilienceToolkit 768x491 1

Learn How to Build Resilience Every Day, One Day at a Time

Reading Time: 2 minutes Resilience is the ability to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity and stress. Having resilience doesn’t mean we avoid sadness, disappointment, or failure. But people who are resilient bounce back more easily from roadblocks. Positive psychologists have identified a number of traits and behaviors that are associated with resilience, including: Download the toolkit to get […]
Mental Health
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PMDD in Young Adults: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Reading Time: 6 minutes Do you experience depressive symptoms that are particularly intense one week of the month and seem nonexistent a couple weeks later? If so, you might be suffering from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD in young adults. PMDD is an endocrine disorder experienced by some people who menstruate. It usually begins a week or more before menstruation […]
Mental Health
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‘I Hate My Life’: 10 Ways to Start Feeling Better

Reading Time: 8 minutes We’ve all been stuck in a low mood at one point or another. Our energy plummets, we lose interest in the outside world, and accomplishing the smallest things feels like a challenge. But if you find yourself wondering, “Why do I hate my life?” day in and day out, it could be a sign of […]
Mental Health
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How Do You Know If You’re Having a Nervous Breakdown?

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you’re unable to function in daily life because you’re so overwhelmed by stress, fury, fear, or despair, you may be having what clinicians once referred to as a nervous breakdown. While the term is no longer used by mental health professionals today, it still describes a variety of legitimate mental health disorders. Today, we […]
Mental Health
NI Post College Featured Image JPEG

Post-College Depression: Why It’s So Common and How to Cope

Reading Time: 7 minutes College commencement—“the first day of the rest of your life.” After four long years, countless cram sessions, and too many all-nighters, you’ve finally made it. There’s nothing quite like that moment when you finally throw your cap in the air (literally or figuratively). But for many recent graduates, the feelings of accomplishment and celebration quickly […]